Friday, April 17, 2009


Well, it's been about 2 months since all I had left was the binding and hanging sleeves on the semi-wow quilt. So, here it is, finally. I should have had a deadline :) It would have gotten done in no time. Next project is a kaleidoscope quilt. I went to the Westfield quilt show last fall and loved a quilt there, bought some fabric for it some time ago and now plan on starting it. No telling how long that will take. :) The North East quilt show is this weekend so maybe I'll get even more ideas.


  1. mom, that's awesome, I love it! You need to hang it. Do you need me to come home and tell you where? (:

  2. Wow! Even Bob said "wow" when I showed him. lol Very nice, can't wait to see it in person.

  3. Beautiful job Dawn, it looks very loverly! Happy birthday tomorrow! xxx ooo


  4. Rach - sure, you know what a great non-decision maker I am :)
    Robyn - funny funny
    Paris - thanks...I know it's not your style of quilt...thanks for the b-day wishes
